The power of the PI network is the sum total of all the piano professionals working to master lead generation who are doing business with us. Our exclusive consortium of piano dealers has helped us be the most vital and “plugged in” switchboard for piano lead generation in the world… and it is growing as I write. As you can see from the graphic, we have accomplished much in service of the industry, yet there is so much more to do.
Our goal as innovators is to identify the most needed innovations based upon the real world experiences of our network, then find solutions to fill those needs. We have a larger nation of clients following up on Internet leads than any other organization in the industry therefore, more knowledge of how it should and shouldn’t be done. Our passion is to be more cutting edge than anyone but also more pragmatic in the applications we create.
If you would like to know what it feels like to be riding the wave of the tsunami of technology, and not merely treading water or drowning from it, let us know. If we do not have an exclusive digital partnership in your market we can be your competitive edge.
“In a time of drastic change, it is the learner who inherits the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists”.-Eric Hoffer.
We’d like the opportunity to show how we’ve raised our clients annual revenue by 25%. Contact us now