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How to Offset Privacy Laws With Organic Audience Intelligence

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

The greatest defense is an “aggressive offense” when it comes to effective digital marketing. Since the only constant in the world events and marketing is change, innovations and workarounds are no longer a luxury but a necessity. The status quo is a moving target and good marketing firms keep their ears to the tracks and stay out in front of new legislation coming down the pike and new tech capabilities and trends. We don’t want to get caught, as they say in the nation’s capital when spouting off cliches, “leading from behind.”   

Privacy laws have become a political hot spot the past few years. They first got a ton of traction in Europe (GDPR) and as per usual, some of those tendencies are bleeding into our economy and legislative activities. Recently, Utah outlawed placing ads in social media in front of internet users under the age of 18.

Here is a link to that development: Utah Governor Signs New Laws

The laws, whether enforceable or not, have forced tech giant Google to reprogram accessibility and information gathering, which will continue as other states add supposed protection for children from social media influences. How might this affect digital targeting? Immediately, if your target is kids and teens. As a youngster growing up, many companies used TV and Radio targeted children to get their parents to fund buying things. Most of us went to our parents asking for the newest, coolest thing. Sky King was “brought to you by Nabisco”, Little Orphan Annie was promoting Ovaltine (which had a cool decoder ring), and, of course, who can forget the unforgettable “Ronald McDonald” promoting junk food to the masses? 

It is not our place as a marketing company to dive into ideologies and political ramifications on the personal freedom side of things, as both Democrats and Republicans use “protecting our children’s mental health” as a narrative. It is, however, our place to look down the road to the effects of taking away advertisers’ ability to target. These new laws will do little to cause a change in piano sales and prospecting, but as restrictions become more widespread and every app update suggests you can “opt out” of being tracked it makes the necessity for organic audience intelligence to be the focus. The gathering of “opt in” info for lead generation is not only becoming more important than ever before but eventually, depending on the acceleration of privacy laws, vital for digital marketing survival.

Supply and demand being sited, more and more digital firms will be scrambling to create ways to harvest more information so that targeting, which is where all good marketing begins, will be available after the options for Google and Meta (Facebook and Instagram) targeting are neutered. The outlawing of ads being placed will only go so far we predict as too many businesses rely on marketing for their revenue stream and growth BUT restrictions placed will need to be offset by existing intelligence and many firms are already behind the eight ball.. not so here at Prospects International.

If the psychographics go away to a large extent and the social media platforms go back to restricted demographics only, the marketing firms with the already gathered purchasing proclivities will be able to do an efficient work around. We will need to find the common denominators still available to use for targeting and they will only be able to be identified correctly if there is a pool of SIC and local audience intelligence to reference.  

Since 2013 we have been building a history of piano buyer profiles unmatched in the history of the piano industry. We serve up more than 200 piano selling sales associates leads of people expressing piano interest daily. The rest of the piano marketing world is a decade behind us in gathering vital information for the targeting and subsequent harvesting for our clients of piano interest leads. Soon others will follow and begin profiling better out of necessity but a ten year head start and over 2 million leads generated gives us an advantage that will not be overcome in our industry. 

Being innovative in an ever changing world and using technology in an appropriate way to target people who have the greatest likelihood of needing what we sell is important, then we are in agreement. If you are already an application protected client we sincerely appreciate the business and support you’ve given us so that we could build this mountain of piano interest intelligence. If you are not a LeadFlow client please feel free to reach out and see if we already have or are open to add an exclusive LeadFlow partner in your market.

Jack Klinefelter 615.504.5425

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