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Client Protection Policy

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

It is the strict policy of Prospects International to protect ALL proprietary information gathered during the lead generation services rendered for all their clients.

To be specific, PI personnel will not share themes, targeting, graphic presentations, dates, strategies, correspondences or any private information with any other businesses. Furthermore, PI will not perform the same LeadFlow or EventFlow campaign services simultaneously for competitors in the same market in an effort to provide consumers unique opportunities only and protect the performance of individual client efforts.

Prospects International protects their clients by exclusivity per application per territory.

The LeadFlow applications most used are:

The “Used Piano Clearance in Progress”

The “New Neighbors” program which is an integrated small direct mail and online marketing program targeted at new homeowners and wealthy remodels.

The “Smart Piano Clearance in Progress”

The “Bridge Widgets” application which may bleed over into another’s territory by consumer search but no ad dollars are placed by PI for this application which is 100% based upon organic web traffic.

EventFlow is an application used for weekend sales or monthly promotions and is protected by a 120 day window of time with the exception of any non for profit 501C3 entities we chose to support0. Special events are perceived by PI to benefit and be a catalyst for all piano interest in a market. We will not perform EventFlow for two piano dealers within a four month period of time to protect the investment of the dealer using EventFlow. This allows the market to rest in between harvesting events. The exception would be if the same dealer or entity decided to invest in EventFlow themselves against a previous event that would be targeted at another consumer group by way of a different theme or offer.

It is our intention to protect all of our clients marketing investments as explained in this exclusivity explanation. Prospects International retains the right to make applications not in use in any market available to legitimate piano dealers. If a LeadFow active piano dealer uses at least 2 ongoing applications (this is considered a digital marketing portfolio client) the others will not be shopped or made available to other dealers inside their geography.

EventFlow as stated previously is protected by the 120 day time window. Protection by application is the most fair way for Prospects International to help increase overall piano interest and lead generation in the marketplace and honor the specific application investments of its clients. LeadFlow clients who do not regularly use the EventFlow harvesting application cannot claim exclusivity of an application they do not use.

Prospects International will cite this exclusivity policy when selling and presenting new strategies and estimates for the sake of full disclosure and transparency in our business activities.

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