After a decade and over 2 million leads generated we have landed on a chronological order and some best, questioned based phrasing language. We share it here as service to our clients only as it is our client’s feedback that led to the compilation of this very important sales follow-up writing. It is not surprising to us that the sales associates selling 10% plus of the leads they are provided through LeadFlow are in lockstep with the “5 Steps to Selling Success” formula. We will be posting this new set of recommended scripts to the website for your ongoing access and reference. They will replace the old scripts since they have been updated after us experiencing a larger volume of feedback.
The recommended chronological protocol when a lead comes in is: 2 phone calls, then two texts, then 2 emails (manual emails optional, automations enacted)
Chronological order recommendation explanation: The reason that 2 phone calls before the first text is sent will be reflected in the provided scripts – Regardless of whether the person answers (and most times they won’t) the first two phone calls will most likely be voicemails which allow you to inject personality that may not be as readily apparent in a text or email.
The reason texts come next in the follow up order is because they are the most effective way to get dialogue started BUT they work even better after a courteous set of voice mails are executed. The first impression given via the phone call is intended to position yourself as a concierge with your attitude instead of an invasive, pushy salesman. The second phone call is encouraging the usage of texting as a means of preferred communications. Our feedback has consistently been that the texts work even better whether or not the prospect has picked up the phone or returned the call.
The two reasons why emails are the third place follow up choice is firstly because they don’t work as often as texts after a call and secondly because “real time” exchanges are always more effective and time efficient.
These scripts are written through the lens of the “Five Steps to Selling Success” method. An article which explains the method in detail is available through this link: Sales Success
I’ll use a fictitious piano gallery, Prestige Pianos, and a fictitious non-gender specific sales associate named Morgan for the sales scripts to follow. They can be tweaked depending on the characteristics of what a piano sales professional wants to sell, but the “heart and soul” purpose of the script series is to allow the prospect to open up before you start your fact finding and subsequent recommendations. If you have Prospect’s International automations working for you and you want to be aggressive personally during the first few days a prospect appears on the lead gen radar, feel free to reprogram the days from lead inception in the CRM to give you some time to work the leads yourself before they, the default automations, take over.
Call #1 Recommended Script
“Hi! ___________, this is piano specialist Morgan from Prestige Pianos, the home of _____________ (brand name) the world’s ____________ (adjectives – finest/most popular/most enjoyable) pianos in every price range, thanking you for your inquiry. I want to offer my assistance in helping you find the perfect piano for you inside your budget. If you would be kind enough to call me back at 615-504-5425 at your next convenience I have a couple of quick questions to ask so I can serve you best. Once more this is Morgan with Prestige Pianos, the friendliest place in ___________(name of city or region) to get dependable piano information.”
Approximately :35 seconds at a medium paced delivery
This is the longest of the follow-up attempt scripts because it is asking for permission from them for you to become their trusted concierge on the way to their new instrument.
Here are the sales fundamental explanations for the content provided:
“Hi! ___________, (personal positioning/make a friend) this is piano specialist Morgan from Prestige Pianos, (immediate branding) the home of _____________ (brand name) (marquis value invoked) the world’s ____________ (adjectives – finest/most popular/most enjoyable) (marquis value enforced and benefit invoked) pianos in every price range, (defuse expense insensitivity) thanking you for your inquiry. (servant positioning) I want to offer my assistance (servant positioning) in helping you find the perfect piano for you inside your budget. (defuse expense insensitivity) If you would be kind enough to call me back at 615-504-5425 at your next convenience (servant positioning) I have a couple of quick questions (respectful of their time) to ask so I can serve you best. (servant positioning) Once more this is Morgan with Prestige Pianos, (branding) the friendliest place (servant positioning) in ___________(name of city or region) (local emphasis) to get dependable (positioning) piano information.”
I won’t break down each script, just this all important first one, with the psychological sales reasoning behind each part and parcel of the scripts. Please know that every word is intentional and should be delivered in the most “kind and helpful tone” to separate you from the historically invasive perception much of the public has of the sales profession. First impressions are critical and “you are on stage”… this is your audition against your competition to earn the prospect’s friendship first.
Call #2 Recommended Script
“Hi! ___________, this is piano specialist Morgan from Prestige Pianos, the home of _____________ (brand name) the world’s ____________ (adjective finest/most popular/most enjoyable) pianos in every price range, just following up my first call. I didn’t hear back so it occurred to me that not everyone likes to talk on the phone these days. If you would like to get friendly, dependable information about pianos feel free to text me back with any questions you may have.”
Text #1 Recommended Script
“Hi! ___________, this is piano specialist Morgan from Prestige Pianos, the home of _____________ (brand name) the world’s ____________ (adjective finest/most popular/most enjoyable) pianos in every price range. I left you a couple of voice messages and didn’t hear back so I’m wondering if you would be more comfortable getting piano information via text. Would that work better for you?”
Text #2 Recommended Script
Hi! ___________, Morgan from Prestige Pianos. I’ve left a couple messages and a text. I was just checking to see if you received them. Are you still in need of piano information?”
You’ll note that the length of the attempt for engagement gets shorter every time the sales pro reaches out. After two calls and two texts the most successful sales people revert to emails but at this juncture, I would turn things over to the automations. Time is money and having a succinct method will allow you to thoroughly work all your leads, investing a reasonable amount of time and effort before turning them over to an automation series.
The moment engagement is achieved you can use the on/off button to stop the automations and you should so that there is no conflict of subject matter that creates a disconnect. Having the automations start up immediately is a great strategy for sales people who are not personally aggressive or if you are an owner/salesperson and do not have time to be aggressive BUT being aggressive and then having the automations start day 4 or 5 after your personal attempts are complete is optimum. Why?This would be the best possible and most thorough way to follow up and convert leads into sales. Once more, you can program your automations to start at a later time then the default automations are scheduled to start easily in the PianoLeads CRM. This is our recommendation after all the most recent feedback.
Scripts can be viewed as “canned” and the most common objection is that they sound scripted. My reaction to those objections? Just like performing a song or a part in a play you have memorized, if it sounds scripted you’re not delivering it convincingly, you’re just plain doing it wrong. Practice enough to commit these to muscle memory then all you have to do is perform and make people love you.
Edit at your own risk because all the most vital sales psychology fundamentals are included on the above and you may edit out a strong element of the follow-up approach. I would try these sincerely for a couple weeks as is before doing any tweaking. They are the sum total of some of the “best of the best” in our industry.