We've all heard the saying: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. This timeless metaphor applies to so many aspects of life, especially when tackling something as intimidating as incorporating social media into your business strategy. For many independent business owners, the idea of using social media effectively feels overwhelming. As a result, many either ignore it entirely or use it inconsistently and ineffectively. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to do it all at once. You can take small, actionable steps and start seeing results right away.
Why Social Media is an Opportunity, Not an Obstacle
Gary Vaynerchuk, better known as Gary Vee, is a global advocate for using social media to grow businesses. When addressing a room full of business owners, he often predicts that only a small percentage will actually implement his advice. That means most businesses aren’t tapping into the full potential of social media—leaving an incredible opportunity for those who are willing to take action. The question is, will you seize that opportunity, or will your competitors beat you to it?
A Real-Life Success Story
In my town, there’s a small shop that sells and repairs stringed instruments. When they started out a few years ago, they were virtually unknown. Their biggest competitor had an established reputation, a larger showroom, and corporate resources. But the newcomer had one critical advantage: they embraced social media. Through consistent, authentic, and value-driven posts, they’ve gained a loyal following and now outperform their competition. They were even featured in a Netflix documentary where local filmmakers followed the high school mariachi team through their various competitions. This just goes to show that even small, locally owned businesses can punch above their weight with the right social media strategy.
Practical Tips: Taking Your First Bite
When it comes to social media, the key is to start small and focus on providing value. Here are some actionable steps to get you started:
Give, Give, Give—Then Give Some More The foundation of a strong social media presence is building goodwill. Spend most of your time providing value, not just selling. The more value you offer, the more trust you build with your audience.
Post Pictures of Happy Customers Customers are often at their happiest right after they make a purchase. Capture that moment! Take a picture of your smiling customer with your product and share it. Better yet, take a short video where they share why they’re excited about their purchase. These posts create a sense of trust and community.
Answer Frequently Asked Questions What are the most common questions your customers ask? Create posts or short videos answering these questions. This positions you as a trusted advisor, rather than a commission-hungry salesperson. Over time, this builds credibility and ensures you’re top of mind when your audience is ready to buy.
Post Product Demonstrations Today’s customers are more informed than ever. Help them along their buying journey by showcasing how your products work. This not only educates your audience but also highlights the unique benefits of what you offer.
Final Thought: Will You Take the Bite?
The elephant may seem big, but the opportunity is even bigger. Social media offers an unparalleled chance to connect with your customers, establish your brand, and grow your business. The only question is: will you take the first bite? The time to start is now. One bite at a time, one post at a time, you can transform your business’s social media presence and stand out in your market. Let’s get to work!
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
– Zig Ziglar