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A Different Kind of Streaming

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

No, neither Roku, Netflix, Hulu, nor Amazon Prime are the subject matter here. I want to bring your attention to a different kind of streaming that can be invaluable to small and medium sized businesses…businesses in the “moms and pops” category. Different surveys define small businesses in different ways but those that we serve most often fall in the 2-50 employee range, easily in the small business category.


We talk to many independent businesses in multiple SIC’s and many have an important common denominator: they survive by having multiple streams of income. Retailers also have repair, trade-ins and consignments. Service providers may have one arm that takes care of the residential consumer population and another that serves other businesses and institutions. They typically sell repairs, parts and replacement units. In a world where it feels like the government prefers to make it more difficult for, as opposed to supporting, independent businesses, Americans have had to sniff out and embrace multiple streams of revenue and work harder to make the same amount of profit. This calls for marketing that can communicate the various merchandise and services a business has for the consumer to consider, but here’s the trick where lead generation and customer growth are concerned – you have to capture before you give multiple options for the person looking to consider. Multiple options, if not presented correctly and at the right time, can create a “mixed message” that is more difficult for the consumer to process. Remember this pragmatic reality: getting something done and checked off the list is not the same as doing it well enough to receive and feel the full benefit from the message you put in front of someone. Translation: “It’s better to do it right, than do it fast.”

If a business person is a retailer and service provider, it is imperative that they get all of the reasons a consumer might want to know them in front of them; therefore a list of things they, the consumer, might be interested in and would enjoy savings on makes a lot of sense. Listing the items is not the same as a well built, aesthetically pleasing list of options with images. “People believe “80% of what they see and 20% of what they hear” is the way the old saying goes. If that adage weren’t still true, how do you explain the current obsession with videos?

What it takes to make enough money to be successful is something that most every business person has calculated. What it takes to let as many people as possible see what you have to offer is what good marketing should do. A variety of options packaged into a list is a way to get all the choices in front of a consumer without sending a mixed message that can torpedo a conversion. By placing a savings list in front of a prospective new customer, you are asking them to peruse the many things you have to offer by taking one, single solitary action,(expressing the interest to view a list)  therefore making all the choices available after the one to engage is made. All they need to know when they come to your website or landing page is whether or not what you sell is what they have an interest in, and whether or not they want to fall into the category of giving you their information, therefore agreeing to “consent marketing.”

Make the ability for them to see the many things you offer easy and they will choose which streams of revenue serve their needs. There are ways to build a list that makes the “savings list” process more or less successful but for the sake of this article, allow me to say that making the decision to employ our expertise with the Bridge Widgets program would be the safest way to get started. We can help you engage with more of your website visitors, after which they can let you know which of your streams of revenue serve their wants and needs. What more can a business ask for than the opportunity to start a conversation with more qualified individuals?

“There’s a person with feelings tied to every dollar bill spent. They want and deserve choices.” – Jack Klinefelter

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