“Pragmatic Sales Psychology” short episode series, writing #28
This article will conclude the series. It has been an important journey, a journey examining a monumentally important need for mental strength for sales professionals who aspire to be the best version of themselves. Since everything good or bad starts wit an attitude, studying topics about being mentally strong has proven to resonate with many I have had feedback from. I apologize for the delay between my last summary on the book and this one yet there has been many expansion duties that needed my attention, a positive reason for being tardy! Here we go:
#11 Don’t Fear Alone Time
In our digital age, with all the proclivities we have to be “plugged in” and be social with every available free minute, I submit that you try some of these things: Turn off the TV if you aren’t watching it. The quiet time is healthier than incessant background noise. Ride in the car without any music, conversations or things to divert you away from your inner self. Take a walk, no cell phone in tow. Take a break from all electronics. Stop booking social activities for every open date on your calendar.
-“All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.” Blaise Pascal –
#12 Don’t Feel Like the World Owes You Anything
Entitlement – “The belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.” Typically, a passionate person and an entitled person are not one and the same being. Sales professionals that are high achievers are curious, instinctive and self-starters.
-“People who are given whatever they want soon develop a sense of entitlement and rapidly lose their sense of proportion.”– Sarah Churchwell
-“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”- Robert Jones Burdette
#13 Don’t Expect Immediate Results
Here are some examples of success stories and how long it took for them to reach their stride: Twitter’s founder took eight years of creating mobile apps and social media products before Twitter took off. Apple’s first iPod took 3 years and 4 versions before sales took off. Amazon wasn’t profitable for 8 years. Just to name a few… The information age has many people programmed for instant gratification and for some things this is a reasonable expectation. After all “Googling” is a present participle, in essence a verb. For major accomplishments though, an attitude of patience and resolve will serve the salesperson better.
-“You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that get results” – Mike Hawkins
Some final thoughts about maintaining mental strength: All sales professionals who get smooth and unconscious are guilty of repeating things that work over and over again. This allows them to refine their skills. Muscle memory is your best friend. I know lots of fast developing young sales professionals who bookmark, print out and memorize the sales methods they strive to become proficient at. Investing in knowing sales related techniques instead of shooting from the hip indicates that you are serious about building yourself a winning protocol. There will be experiments that fail but they are simply collateral damage on the way to building the winning habits of a top performer. They will contribute to your mental strength. If you go about the task of discovering fundamentally sound ways to think about and work out your mental strength then just like a bicep, it will thank you by getting stronger.
-“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle