“Pragmatic Sales Psychology” short episode series, writing #15
This is the third in a series of writings, tying back Amy Morin’s principles in her book “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do” to the honorable profession of being a sales professional. Change is the only constant in life. Life will change whether you want it to or not, so why do so many sales professionals try to get, then stay in a groove, all the while ignoring the advantages of change? Partially because having what they believe is a constant helps them deal with the inherent rejections and disappointments that being in the sales game throws at them. Having at least one thing, the way they do things, that remains intact at all times gives them a sense of security… albeit a false one.
Then there are the sales pros who avoid having a process at all. They change all the time! They change their approach randomly, shooting from the hip most of the time, while the world around them changes also. This creates a disconnect of energies going about their own separate ways. This approach, having no specific track to run on, is not a good way to connect with prospects or sell either. Having a structure, a process, is good, yet the sales pro who never experiments or self-examines avoids the fact that the world changes, and so must they, to stay in step with the buyers.
Somewhere in between being fearful of change and spinning endlessly through sales engagements without a process, is where the most productive salespeople reside.
Since sales is a creative act, you need to get outside the box and your comfort zone with your thinking or you will stagnate and not grow into the most productive you. Many of us senior sales folks had to do so with the tsunami of technology and found that once we quit ducking it and embraced it, we became better at our craft. Younger sales professionals can learn more about people skills and hone their verbal communication abilities. Both of these segments/generations will need to not simply allow but work on changing to be the best version of themselves.
Being afraid of failing and trying new things is a recipe for getting in a rut and not allowing yourself to grow. Simply because a thing is challenging doesn’t mean it should not be done. This applies to our personal lives as well. Often, our greatest triumphs and self-confidence boosts come from tackling difficult but worthwhile tasks, some of which take years of commitment. Not only should you be willing to change, you should realize that improvement requires it. Positive change leads to increased production, both personally and professionally. Positive energy breeds more positive energy. Positive energy breeds momentum and don’t we all know how important momentum and attitude are to being successful? Embrace it or watch those who do make great things happen around you. Don’t wonder why you’re not making great things happen if you don’t…change is essential to a full and vibrant life.
“It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t… It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.” – James Gordon