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Don’t Fret Because the Cookies are Crumbling!

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

In our current ad-tech world, changes are the norm. As Google reworks its cookies framework they are becoming less and less of a tracking and targeting tool. Here is some good news: Prospects International clients are in the right kitchen to experience the recipe for continued success.

Why? Because as visionaries we prepare for, as opposed to simply reacting to, change. While agencies who serve multiple industries scramble to reorganize their tracking capabilities, ours continues to refine itself. Based upon the “opt in” data being fed the LeadFlow system on a daily basis, we grow our profiling of what a piano buyer looks like every hour using volunteered information from people who respond to our landing pages that are optimized for conversion.

With over 200 piano sales associates being served up piano interest leads daily, our growing audience intelligence already outperforms any other tracking option; and with the other options being neutered, it is constantly increasing in value.

Allow me to point out one benefit that we are contributing to the industry, which the manufacturers fail miserably at: restocking the pond. There seems to be a pervasive misconception that the pool of people who have interest in buying pianos as a whole, much less fine pianos, will always be sufficient. That is a dangerous assumption to say the least. Our ever increasing knowledge of what people who buy pianos look like has allowed us to be the Lone Ranger when it comes to effectively putting the idea of a piano in front of people who look like buyers. Not that we want to, but we currently stand alone as the only efficient attrition battler on the planet. No, we will never receive accolades, but that’s not why we do it.

 We support and value the “‘in the trenches” activity of the sales associates who work everyday to get people excited about having more and better music in their lives. Acting as if we can take for granted that there will always be plenty of interest is short sighted, supply-side only thinking. Every good and noble cause needs evangelism and promoting, and the only way to do it effectively is through digital marketing that is smart, digital marketing intelligent enough to get the job done. What we don’t need is another ad person or company throwing the “AI” term around with no “bite behind their bark.”

We accept the challenges of a “cookieless” world. We can excel in a world where privacy and “opt in” leads are the rule, not the exception. What retailer really relishes the old “throw enough mud against the wall and see how much sticks” way of investing? I would think not many. Yes, the government is always overreaching and will continue to do so, but in a non-intentional way they have forced the ad world into doing workarounds that will protect people better and put ad dollars where they make the most sense, IF the opt-in data is gathered, organized and applied properly.

Don’t fret as the cookies crumble. We’ve been cooking something up even tastier than ever in the PI kitchen. SEO is subservient to “opt in” lead generation in the new piano selling landscape and we are refining the lead gen recipe daily. Come have a taste.

“Since change is the only constant, it is imperative to have a visionary on your team.” – Jack Klinefelter

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